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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Make 'Em Laugh! (Don't You Know The Whole World Loves To Laugh!)

This year, the last of Donald Jessica Trump's presidency, was just awful.  He may have come in with a *bang!*, but he's going out kicking, screaming and whining because he didn't get his way, i.e., 4 more years in office to do decades of damage to the planet.  

The votes are ALL-IN, counted, tabulated, recounted and now finalized.  Number 45, Donald Trump is out.  Number 46, Joseph R. Biden IS IN!  The American people have spoken, Donald.  Time to pack it up, take all the little decorative soaps, towels and bathrobes that fat, orange suitcase can hold, and leave.  Don't let the door slap that fat, flabby ass on the way out, either. Well, maybe.

So now, kids, time for laughs.  Some of you, maybe many of you, will remember this film from the 1950s:

One of my favorite scenes  features Donald O'Connor, "Make 'Em Laugh!"

It's fun watching Mr. O'Connor dance, sing, bounce around the movie set.  You can tell he's enjoying it, too!

Now, let's laugh it up, looking at another Donald. Oh, you know who it is!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Emily "Karen" Murphy - General Services Administration

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily.  For our purposes here, let's refer to her as "Karen", because that's pretty much how she's behaving... like a Karen.

This is Karen, I mean, Emily:

Looks like a nice, young White woman, right?  Yeah, pretty much.

She's an attorney, is apparently a very smart, dedicated, concise person, and very good at her job, according to friends who know her.

Sounds great so far.  So, what could possibly be the issue with Karen?

I'm so glad you asked.  

It seems that young Emily, 47 years old, has one job right now, but she's confused and conflicted about what to do in regards to President-Elect Joe Biden and his incoming administration to the disbursement of ascertainment funds and little things like Security Briefings, which are necessary to bring the new President up-to-speed with security related issues domestic and worldwide.

The confusion and conflict for little Emily is well, "I can't just release the funds or sign off on this because it's so much like the 2000 election." Expect Emily, here's the problem: The 2000 election was limited to one state and that eventually went to the Supreme Court.  This election, 2020, is NOTHING like the 2000 election.  People voted in record numbers, in-person, by mail and by absentee ballots.  According to government officials, chosen by YOUR BOSS, this was the most secure election in our nation's history.  

Your boss, Donald Jessica Trump, lost by over 5 million legally case votes, 306 to 232 Electoral votes, and yet Karen, Emily, where exactly is your confusion and conflict?


Exactly my point.

Here's the thing, Emily.  In 2 months you'll be out of a job.  Donald Trump will be out of a job.  As an attorney, in that pretty little bubble head of yours, you know damn well the right thing to do:  Sign the ascertainment documents NOW, and get this over with, because continuing to put it off, won't end well for the country.  

You might be able to get out with a moniker of dignity, if you move fast on this.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Donald J. Trump NEVER Wanted to Govern

Donald Trump *never* wanted to govern.
He wanted to RULE.

Governing, working together, is VERY HARD WORK, not something Donald Trump is accustomed to doing. Ever.
The Art Of The Deal can be summed up thusly:
"My way or the highway."

RULING, by contrast, is very easy, perfect for a lazy, slovenly man who's overweight, idle, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, loafing, inactive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, languorous, listless, torpid, enervated, slow-moving,
lackadaisical and in failing health.  

Oh, and "dotard".  Don't forget dotard.  Covfefe!

Donald Trump has plenty of examples of Rulers around the world from which to draw experience:

  • Kim Jung Un
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Mohammed bin Salman
  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
  • Xi Jinping
  • Rodrigo Duterte

 That's the abbreviated list.  Check this out:

These are the men Donald J. Trump admires and looks up to.

Remember that.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Our "New" Reality

Left is right.

Up is down.

Over is under.

East is west.

No, it's not "Opposite Day" in Middle School.  It's not a "Month of Sundays", either.

It IS, however, what's rattling around inside President Donald Jessica Trump's big, hollow, head.

And the entire planet is having to suffer through it.  

Why?  The answer's very simple, because, well, it originates with our Simpleton-In-Chief Donald Jessica Trump:  THAT'S HOW I DEMAND THINGS TO BE.  PERIOD.  Doesn't matter that I'm 74 years old.  My health is failing.  I eat anything around that doesn't move, but is still alive. None of that matters.


Down the Rabbit Hole,

...and into the Upside Down.