“Try Something New…”
That is daughter-wife Ivanka’s message to out-of-work people
across the U.S. in the wake of the coronavirus.
Pretty simple, right? Just try
something new.
So tone-deaf. And inappropriate. She who lives off of the fat-orange-baby-man’s
money telling hard-working Americans to just try something new.
When was the last time Princess, daughter-wife Ivanka ever broke a sweat doing literally anything?
I’m going with the 1970s, before she was born. (Of course she was not around then, not born until
Halloween Eve, October 30, 1981) After
that, NO, she’s never worked a
day in her life, likewise with Hans & Fritz (Donnie Jr., and Airwick, er,
Airhead, um, Eric.) The Trump children, with the possible exception of Barron and Tiffany, are well, a joke. None of them have ever worked a day in their entitled, arrogant adult lives. They have their so-called "father" to provide for them. (Which begs the question, What happens when the gravy train runs dry?)
But the notion of good, decent hard-working Americans simply
trying something new, right now, when
so many businesses are failing, going bankrupt, or just scraping by… NO. That’s a terrible idea, and frankly, again, WAY PASSED TIME for the entitled,
tone-deaf little princess and man-child husband to go back to New York City
where they belong. (And FYI, no that’s
not racist or anti-Semitic, because they’re both pasty white… like me)
That Twitter profile is quite the joke, too. She completely forgot daughter-wife. Advisor to POTUS? Seriously?
And of course, you
know, we, the tax payers of the country are
paying for this nonsense 4 months before her father’s demise, I mean, the General Election in November.
I think Krystal’s
comments are spot-on as well!
Oh, and then there's this:
Another clear Ethics violation by daughter-wife, dimwit. Public officials, such as Ivanka, are NOT allowed to push/sell products. Ask Kellyanne.
Why? Simple. It gives the appearance that the President is for sale.

Oh wait. He IS for sale.
"Russia, if you're listening..."
Oh, and then there's this:
Another clear Ethics violation by daughter-wife, dimwit. Public officials, such as Ivanka, are NOT allowed to push/sell products. Ask Kellyanne.
Why? Simple. It gives the appearance that the President is for sale.

Oh wait. He IS for sale.
"Russia, if you're listening..."