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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Where Is All Of The Color At Fox News?

Where is all of the diversity, people of color, 
different ethnicities at Fox News?

Ainsley Earhardt
Bret Baier
Brian Kilmeade
Chris Wallace
Dana Perino

Jeanine Pirro
Jesse Watters
Laura Ingraham
Sean Hannity
Shepard Smith
Steve Doocy
Tucker Carlson
Pretty easy to see how and why Trump likes these people --- they're ALL white!

And remember, we're NOT talking about Nationality, where you were born.

We're talking about Ethnicity -- your ancestral heritage:
Native American, European, African, Asian, Hispanic/Latino.

Ancestry refers to a person's ethnic origin or descent, "roots," or heritage, or the place of birth of the person/person's parents/ancestors before their arrival in the United States.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Maybe Go Back To Where YOU Came From, Mr. Trump?

"Go back where you came from."

I think it's pretty safe to say that, YES, those are very mean spirited, racist, and dangerous words to utter and to hear.

Maybe the guy with the loudest mouth, biggest megaphone, most vain and delicate, and largest platform, yes, the one IN The White House, maybe He should go back where He came from:

Concentration Camp Dachau, Germany 1945
Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany
Human Ovens Dachau, Germany
Yeah, maybe rethink the use of that phrase, Donny:  "Go back where you came from."