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Monday, January 13, 2020

Journalists & Reporters

It’s kind of astonishing and incredible that one man on the planet with the most important and powerful job on the planet gets to decide what’s real and what’s not in regards to the news. 
Oh, and make no mistake, He drives the news cycle, and has since shortly before the 2016 elections here.
It didn’t start with the Obama “birther” b.s., but right around that time.  Yes, because He’s racist. And nothing about being "the least racist person you'll ever meet."  Just racist. 
In an interview with the New York Times, February 2019: President Trump takes credit for popularizing the term “fake news.”
But the consequences? Not his concern.
In lengthy and at times contradictory remarks on Thursday about the news media — which he deemed “important” and “beautiful,” but also “so bad” and “unfair” — Mr. Trump called himself “a victim” of unfair coverage and declined to accept responsibility for a rise in threats against journalists since he took office.

“I do notice that people are declaring more and more fake news, where they go, ‘Fake news!’” the president said during an Oval Office interview with The New York Times. “I even see it in other countries. I don’t necessarily attribute that to me. I think I can attribute the term to me. I think I was the one that started using it, I would say.”

In an unusual arrangement, the publisher of The Times, A. G. Sulzberger, joined two of the paper’s White House correspondents in conducting Thursday’s interview, and he took the lead in questioning the president about his attacks on the press.

When Mr. Sulzberger said foreign leaders were increasingly using the term “fake news” to justify suppressing independent scrutiny, Mr. Trump replied: “I don’t like that. I mean I don’t like that.”
But, in a common pattern whenever the president speaks about the press, Mr. Trump quickly refocused on his personal grievances. “I do think it’s very bad for a country when the news is not accurately portrayed,” he said. “I really do. And I do believe I’m a victim of that, honestly.”

Those are reporters from inside of Iran, the same country that he just had the military bomb, in order to “take out a really bad guy”, i.e., Qasem Soleimani. 
So, basically, Trump is perfectly okay calling attention to keeping reporters in other countries safe, and not here inside of the United States. 
Seems kinda messed up, right?  Let me help you out here, because I know you’re struggling with the correct response:         YES.

**Please note the time of that tweet.  That’s 5:38 AM, Eastern Standard Time, late Sunday night/early Monday morning.**  Most of us are still fast asleep at that hour.
and now onto something terrifying.

Trump is clearly and deliberately calling news, journalists and reporters, The Fake News simply because He doesn’t like it.  Rather than focus on his job, again, as the most important job on the planet, and he’s focusing on stories he doesn’t like. 
He’s attacked actors, foreign officials, law enforcement agencies (at all levels), the military, and on and on, again simply because He doesn’t like those stories.  Nothing about true/false, only because He doesn’t like them.
Journalists around the world have been murdered because of Trump’s divisive rhetoric.  And, YES, this is ALL ON HIM.  Why?  Because he flat-out, boldly and openly refuses to stop his claim of Fake News, and Enemy Of The People.
ENEMYLet that sink in for a moment. No, he doesn’t pull back, but rather doubles-down, digs in his heels.
We know, and have for some time now, how delicate, vain and illiterate Donald Trump is.  He wears his feeling on his sleeve.  Personally, I think he’s got ADHD, too, if only because he’s incapable of focusing on anything of consequence for any amount of time.

We know he’s racist.  We know he’s homophobic.  We know he’s xenophobic.  We know he’s (fill-in-the-blank with anything He says is “wrong” with the U.S. or the world at large) 
This tweet seems to sum up things best in Trump’s Twitter-verse:
MSM = Main Stream Media