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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Another Black Man Gunned Down In The Prime Of His Life - Casey Goodman

Attorney Sean Walton comforts Tamala Payne, the mother of Casey Goodson Jr., during a protest outside the Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, December 12. Goodson, 23, was killed by a sheriff's deputy earlier this month, and the shooting is now the subject of a civil rights investigation by the US Attorney's Office in Southern Ohio. The Columbus Division of Police is also investigating. Seth Herald/Reuters

Please, Google "Casey Goodman".  


R.I.P., Casey.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Make 'Em Laugh! (Don't You Know The Whole World Loves To Laugh!)

This year, the last of Donald Jessica Trump's presidency, was just awful.  He may have come in with a *bang!*, but he's going out kicking, screaming and whining because he didn't get his way, i.e., 4 more years in office to do decades of damage to the planet.  

The votes are ALL-IN, counted, tabulated, recounted and now finalized.  Number 45, Donald Trump is out.  Number 46, Joseph R. Biden IS IN!  The American people have spoken, Donald.  Time to pack it up, take all the little decorative soaps, towels and bathrobes that fat, orange suitcase can hold, and leave.  Don't let the door slap that fat, flabby ass on the way out, either. Well, maybe.

So now, kids, time for laughs.  Some of you, maybe many of you, will remember this film from the 1950s:

One of my favorite scenes  features Donald O'Connor, "Make 'Em Laugh!"

It's fun watching Mr. O'Connor dance, sing, bounce around the movie set.  You can tell he's enjoying it, too!

Now, let's laugh it up, looking at another Donald. Oh, you know who it is!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Emily "Karen" Murphy - General Services Administration

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily.  For our purposes here, let's refer to her as "Karen", because that's pretty much how she's behaving... like a Karen.

This is Karen, I mean, Emily:

Looks like a nice, young White woman, right?  Yeah, pretty much.

She's an attorney, is apparently a very smart, dedicated, concise person, and very good at her job, according to friends who know her.

Sounds great so far.  So, what could possibly be the issue with Karen?

I'm so glad you asked.  

It seems that young Emily, 47 years old, has one job right now, but she's confused and conflicted about what to do in regards to President-Elect Joe Biden and his incoming administration to the disbursement of ascertainment funds and little things like Security Briefings, which are necessary to bring the new President up-to-speed with security related issues domestic and worldwide.

The confusion and conflict for little Emily is well, "I can't just release the funds or sign off on this because it's so much like the 2000 election." Expect Emily, here's the problem: The 2000 election was limited to one state and that eventually went to the Supreme Court.  This election, 2020, is NOTHING like the 2000 election.  People voted in record numbers, in-person, by mail and by absentee ballots.  According to government officials, chosen by YOUR BOSS, this was the most secure election in our nation's history.  

Your boss, Donald Jessica Trump, lost by over 5 million legally case votes, 306 to 232 Electoral votes, and yet Karen, Emily, where exactly is your confusion and conflict?


Exactly my point.

Here's the thing, Emily.  In 2 months you'll be out of a job.  Donald Trump will be out of a job.  As an attorney, in that pretty little bubble head of yours, you know damn well the right thing to do:  Sign the ascertainment documents NOW, and get this over with, because continuing to put it off, won't end well for the country.  

You might be able to get out with a moniker of dignity, if you move fast on this.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Donald J. Trump NEVER Wanted to Govern

Donald Trump *never* wanted to govern.
He wanted to RULE.

Governing, working together, is VERY HARD WORK, not something Donald Trump is accustomed to doing. Ever.
The Art Of The Deal can be summed up thusly:
"My way or the highway."

RULING, by contrast, is very easy, perfect for a lazy, slovenly man who's overweight, idle, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, loafing, inactive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, languorous, listless, torpid, enervated, slow-moving,
lackadaisical and in failing health.  

Oh, and "dotard".  Don't forget dotard.  Covfefe!

Donald Trump has plenty of examples of Rulers around the world from which to draw experience:

  • Kim Jung Un
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Mohammed bin Salman
  • Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan
  • Xi Jinping
  • Rodrigo Duterte

 That's the abbreviated list.  Check this out:

These are the men Donald J. Trump admires and looks up to.

Remember that.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Our "New" Reality

Left is right.

Up is down.

Over is under.

East is west.

No, it's not "Opposite Day" in Middle School.  It's not a "Month of Sundays", either.

It IS, however, what's rattling around inside President Donald Jessica Trump's big, hollow, head.

And the entire planet is having to suffer through it.  

Why?  The answer's very simple, because, well, it originates with our Simpleton-In-Chief Donald Jessica Trump:  THAT'S HOW I DEMAND THINGS TO BE.  PERIOD.  Doesn't matter that I'm 74 years old.  My health is failing.  I eat anything around that doesn't move, but is still alive. None of that matters.


Down the Rabbit Hole,

...and into the Upside Down.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Donnie, Time To Pull Up Your "Big Boy" Panties

CNN anchor Jake Tapper on Saturday evening had a simple message for President Donald Trump: Grow up.

“He’s not a seven-year-old kid who lost an ice-skating competition,” Tapper said of Trump during a panel discussion of the president’s refusal to concede the election and repeatedly allege—without evidence—widespread voter fraud and an effort to “steal” the election from him.

“He is a 74-year-old president of the United States and he lost re-election, and you know what? That’s OK. That happens,” the CNN anchor continued. “His emotional needs, frankly, are irrelevant.”

Tapper concluded: “I don’t think we need to bend over backwards and pretend that the country moving on and MAGA nation moving on depends upon what Joe Biden does, like Joe Biden is going to do what he can, and if a chunk of the leaders of the Republican Party want to drag the nation down with them, that’s up to them. He’s going to be governing and they can even join him or get out of the way.”

The truth hurts.  It’s messy.  It’s painful.  But, it’s the truth and not fake news, a conspiracy theory, or alternative facts.

Truth matters.  Honesty matters.  Trump, however, no longer matters. He had his chance, his opportunity to “Make America Great Again”.  

NEWS FLASH:  It was already great long before you came along, Fatty McOrangeface.

While we’re here, another question:

Why does literally everything have to be a conspiracy theory?  Seriously. Why?

Why can’t it just be that the people of the United States overwhelmingly have spoken and although you got  72,649,691 votes to Biden’s  77,966,468 votes (306 to 232 Electoral votes), why can’t that simply mean that Donald Trump lost an election? 

Why does it have to be election fraud and a stolen election? 

The facts and numbers simply don’t lie… much like Trump does, repeatedly.

These repeated attacks and conspiracy theories are incredibly dangerous, not to mention how they entitle and embolden his supporters.  That’s a very bad thing.

Thankfully, we have in place law enforcement officers and laws, which people, ALL people (supporters or not) must abide by.

Now, if you are questioning if that's a real quote from Abraham Lincoln, or if the internet even existed in 1865, then you seriously, immediately need to do more, actual research into YOUR news sources.  Of course, there was no internet in 1865.  Modern computers weren't even invented until the 1940s, almost 80 years after Lincoln was alive.

Please, PLEASE, pay attention to your news sources because Q-Anon and broadcast news sources like Fox News, One American Network (OAN) and NewsMax pedal and openly distribute questionable, false, dangerous lies, oh and conspiracy theories.    

That's a very bad thing.

Oh, and one last thing.  You know what isn't fake news?  The multiple lawsuits awaiting the 74-year-old toddler in Depends in New York state and Florida after January 20, 2021.  Those are all very real, and include prison time as a potential sentence. 

"What his followers will see, once he is out of office, is that there were a lengthy string of losses, losses, losses and that in effect is going to be part of his legacy when we look back at this."

Losing a failed re-election bid should be the least of his concerns right now.  

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Newly Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett


During her Senate confirmation hearing, Judge Barrett (born in 1972) was Donald Trump’s third and, hopefully, final Supreme Court Justice.

California Senator Feinstein asked if Barrett, too, would “be a consistent vote to roll back hard-fought freedoms and protections for the LGBT community”. To this, Barrett responded that she had “no agenda”, a line that Scalia himself used during his own confirmation hearing.

“I do want to be clear that I have never discriminated on the basis of sexual preference and would not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference,” she added.

At those same hearings, Ms. Barrett, Amy (from now on known as “Justice Karen), made this statement about LGBTQ individuals:

She believed "that sexual orientation is merely a preference," then the LGBTQ community should be "rightly concerned" whether the judge would uphold their constitutional right to marry.


Really, Amy?  Seriously??

Is it your preference to have a pair of breasts, mammary glands, attached to your chest?  

Is it your preference to have a vagina implanted between your legs?

Is it your preference to believe you are holier-than-thou and remove a woman’s right to an abortion, simply because you are incapable of ever conceiving again?

Being born LGBTQ is no more a preference or choice than yours is to have your female body parts, Amy.

Oh, and feigning ignorance on that issue, 100%, absolutely disqualifies you from a position on the nation’s highest court, The Supreme Court.

Being less than 50 years old should automatically disqualify you, if for no other reason than you simply haven’t earned your legal chops yet.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Drinking The Kool-Aid

"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an expression used to refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or dangerous idea because of perceived potential high rewards. The phrase often carries a negative connotation. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.

The phrase originates from events in Jonestown, Guyana, on November 18, 1978, in which over 900 members of the Peoples Temple movement died. The movement's leader, Jim Jones, called a mass meeting at the Jonestown pavilion after the murder of U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan and others in nearby Port Kaituma. Jones proposed "revolutionary suicide" by way of ingesting a powdered drink mix lethally laced with cyanide and other drugs which had been prepared by his aides

On November 18, 1978, Jones ordered that the members of Representative Leo Ryan's party be killed after several defectors chose to leave with the party. Residents of the commune later committed suicide by drinking a flavored beverage laced with potassium cyanide; some were forced to drink it, some (such as small children) drank it unknowingly.  Roughly 918 people died.

Descriptions of the event often refer to the beverage not as Kool-Aid but as Flavor Aid, a less-expensive product reportedly found at the site. Kraft Foods, the maker of Kool-Aid, has stated the same.  Implied by this accounting of events is that the reference to the Kool-Aid brand owes exclusively to its being better-known among Americans. Others are less categorical. Film footage shot inside the compound prior to the events of November shows Jones opening a large chest in which boxes of Flavor Aid are visible. Criminal investigators testifying at the Jonestown inquest spoke of finding packets of "cool aid", and eyewitnesses to the incident are also recorded as speaking of "cool aid" or "Cool Aid." It is unclear whether they intended to refer to the actual Kool-Aid–brand drink or were using the name in a generic sense that might refer to any powdered flavored beverage.

The group had engaged in many "dry runs" using an unpoisoned drink.

The phrase "drinking the Kool-Aid" as used to describe either blind obedience or loyalty to a cause is considered offensive by some of the relatives of the dead and survivors who escaped Jonestown. Seventy or more individuals at Jonestown were injected with poison, and a third of the victims (304) were minors. Guards armed with guns and crossbows had been ordered to shoot those who fled the Jonestown pavilion as Jones lobbied for suicide.

Now, keeping in mind ‘Drinking the Kool-Aid’, think about Trump supporters.  Many are more than willing to give their lives for him, ignoring all 20,000+ lies from this arrogant, entitled man over the past 4 years.  That’s astounding and dangerous.

Why would Trump’s cult followers put themselves in harm’s way like that? For Trump?

This is an actual aerial photo of the Jonestown massacre in Guyana:

And these are the same type of people, blindly, blithely following their leader:

Makes you wonder what kind of Kool-Aid is being served at those rallies.



Monday, October 26, 2020


Let's face it.  ANY time you're around Trump, it's a Super Spreader Event since he doesn't know how or when to shut up and sucks all of the oxygen out of the air.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

More Bad News, Folks

It's not enough that small businesses, among them restaurants, and thousands of one- or two-person operations are closing at an alarming rate with NO relief in sight from the Senate, now the largest theatre chain in the U.S., Regal Cinemas has shuttered its doors closed as well.

This is from their online blog:

Regal Posted on Oct 8, 2020 9:20:29 AM

We can confirm that all Regal theatres across the US will be temporarily closed from Friday (October 9) until further notice.

This is not a decision we made lightly. We did everything in our power to support safe and sustainable re-openings of our theatres and we are so very grateful for our employees who implemented the new protocols, which resulted in lots of positive feedback from customers who visited our theatres and felt safe. We were very proud of the fact that theatres were open for 2 months and there was not one COVID case resulting from visiting the theatre. We cannot underscore enough how difficult this decision was.

As we have done to date, we will do everything we can to save livelihoods and the company – this is an extremely delicate and tricky balance. We continue to work with the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO), to ensure we are lobbying state and local governments to support our employees and the industry which has so much cultural significance.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will communicate our future plans to resume operations once film studios are able to bring their pipeline of major movie releases back to the big screen. We can assure you that once a line-up of movie releases is confirmed, we will be ready to re-open our theatres, as we did in August, with the same safety levels you have already seen while at the same time keeping the great experience that you are used to getting from us.

A big thank you goes to you, our movie-loving customers; your health and wellbeing has always been our priority during this difficult time and we look forward to welcoming you back as soon as possible to enjoy a full slate of films.

If you have any questions, please take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions below.

If you are a Regal Crown Club member or Regal Unlimited subscriber, visit the Regal mobile app and online at If you do not already have a Regal Crown Club account and would like to receive email updates, you are able to create a free account in one step here.

We sincerely wish good health for you and your families during these uncertain times. 

-The Regal Team


It's pretty astonishing that the Trump Administration and the Senate are pushing through an ultra conservation, religious zealot, Amy Coney Barrett in order to do two things:

1)  Repeal/dismantle the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and 

2) Repeal Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights decision.

 That's it.  She's stated in articles and op-eds that those two pieces of legislation are unconstitutional and therefore, must go.

Oh, and potentially, 

3) Decide the outcome of a "rigged election" once Trump loses in just a few short weeks, because, you know, you just can't trust all of those fake ballots.   


Yes, vote as if your life depended on it, because if 2 or all 3 of those things happen, the United States is in deep, deep sh*t.  We cannot handle another second of this Republican President or Senate.  (And by "we", I mean the entire planet.)