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Tuesday, April 2, 2013


L  O  V  E

You know the song,
“L” is for the way you look at me,
“O” is for the only one I see.
“V” is very, very extraordinary,
“E” is even more than anyone that you adore…”
Made famous by the amazing Nat “King” Cole. 

When I think of love, I think of the sensory sensations which it allows us to feel and experience.  A deep, soothing warmth inside, resonating from my heart and extending to the tips of my fingers and toes.

I am terribly guilty of “wearing my heart on my sleeve” which means that I tend to get easily attached to others, and then when it is not mutual, when it is not reciprocal, I get hurt very quickly.  For me, the resilience has come, but incredibly slowly.  So, indeed there has been numerous times during which I wished I hadn’t become attached so fast.

We use the word Love, to mean so many different things.  It’s very personal to us.  There are times when we say, “I like you,” but, what we really mean is, “I Love you.”  Somehow, it just doesn’t feel right to say “Love” so freely and easily.  We tend to reserve it for those times during which we are more emotionally attached to someone or something. 

Then there is “being in Love.”  Being in Love is when we truly feel all of those sensory sensations: warmth in our hearts, tingling in our toes, catching our breath, and the ever-present ear-to-ear smile on our faces that tell the world, “I, am in Love!” 

The downside, of course, is that if it is not reciprocal, not mutual, we become saddened and disillusioned.  And rightly so.  No one wants his/her heart played with.  No one wants to put him/herself out there only to end up being hurt.  Yes, if we don’t take that chance, risk getting hurt, we find ourselves alone, empty, and even bitter.  Not a good place in which to be.  I speak from experience.

Loving someone else, Being in Love, they’re both wonderful feelings not only to be held dear to your heart, but to be shared with others.  There has been much written on the subject of Love, and I am very happy to have had this opportunity to share my thoughts on Love with you! 

Take care.              

Sunday, March 31, 2013

There Will Be Times...

There Will Be Times


There will be times when you feel like a scared little boy,
Other times you’ll feel proud, puff your chest out with joy.
And still other times you may get quite annoyed,
But, most of the time you’re my friend, Willie boy.

We only met not so long ago, typing words so fast;
Now it seems ancient history, everything’s in the past.
Don’t know what I was thinking, moving the way I did,
Talking to you, I must have forgotten, you’re a grownup,
Not just some little a kid. (*)

We talked until the wee hours of morn,
I was sure that you’d be quite bored.
To my surprise, you wanted more,
Yet at 3:00 am you closed the door. (*)

I tossed so many bad puns at you,
And you just let out a hearty, “Boo!”
Somehow I knew that inside you smiled,
And held me in your heart for a little while. (*)

I believe that we wanted the same ending outcome,
Two of us together, living happily as one.
The part only you had thought about was this:
The long distance kept us from sharing a kiss. (*)

I never thought I’d feel this way again,
You helped me smile, you always wore a grin.
The twinkle in your eye and the smile on your face,
Helped me realize I could survive this place. (*)