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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Karen Pence Is A Good, Decent, Moral 1940s Version Housewife And Mother

Her husband, I’m guessing she calls him, “Daddy”, Vice President Mike Pence calls her, “Mother”.  Nothing weird going on there, right?  NO.

He sits there, usually in the background, with that maniacal, glazed-over stare, and the perfectly coifed white hair, yes, reminiscent of young Hitler youth.  Remember the film, “The Boys From Brazil”?

That aside, it seems like in his, ‘scuse me, His presence, you’d be something less-than, regardless of what the “less-than” is.  He’s, Pence, better than you because He’s holier-than-thou in every way. 

Their “evangelical, Christian view” of the world dates back decades, if not centuries.  On the one hand that’s well, quaint, but the flip side is that Their particular brand of quaint doesn’t cut it in the 21st century world. 
All of Their beliefs?  No, just 95% of them.  

This is part of the commencement speech V.P. Pence, Mikey, made at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana earlier this year, June 2019:

"Wherever life takes you, take a servant's attitude."

Explains a lot about his character and his time in the White House as Vice President, "serving" Donald Trump.  Serving Donald Trump.  Let that sink in.  Not equal to.  Not at the same level.  Serving Donald Trump.  

Makes you wonder who/m he was serving as Governor of Indiana when he threw all of those, His constituents, those LGBTQ people under the bus with his heinous discrimination laws.
Oh, and don't be deceived by that, "Gee whiz, aw-shucks" demeanor, either.  He knew and he knows exactly what he's doing.
The problem, Karen, Mrs. Pence, Mrs. “Second” Lady, Mother, is that Your view of the world through the lens of the Bible is incredibly skewed.  

Jesus preached love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness to ALL people in his day… even his jailers.  You and Mikey, by contrast, spew hatred, violence, exclusion.  How is that okay, Mother?  HOW is that okay?
I’m gonna help you out here, but, only because I know your little pea brain can’t think of the correct answer fast enough:  It’s not okay. Period.

... or holier-than-thou
Does the Bible have a place in 21st Century society, or the world at-large?  Think about that for a few minutes.
Why go after Karen Pence?  I’m glad you asked.  Here it is: She’s the perfect Republican, W.A.S.P., white barefoot-and-pregnant woman to carry forward the message of “Homosexuals are an abomination to our pure, white-bread society.”  Sort of like a twisted version of Mary Poppins – practically perfect in every way!

Here’s the thing: Mikey, VP Pence, carries in him that which helps create life, the X-Y chromosome.  That’s science, not fantasy.  Look it up.  Those same little tadpoles, the X-Ys, determine sex/gender, i.e., straight/heterosexual, gay/lesbian/homosexual/bisexual/transgender, and so on. Yes, there are many more iterations.

So, seems a bit hypocritical to make flippant remarks like, “It’s a choice to be homosexual.  The choice part is in coming out or staying closeted, in the closet.  Simple.

Now, back to that question:  Does the Bible have a place in 21st Century society, or the world at-large?   Of course it does, as do all religious tomes.  The practice and preaching of it, however, belong ONLY in places of worship: churches, synagogues, temples, mosques.  

So Karen, Mikey, others, put your religion back in your pants and keep it in church where it belongs!

End of sermon.
