"Cancel Culture" when something, for various reasons is disapproved of, or cancelled, is NOT a real thing. It's also about public shaming, specifically on social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And we really shouldn't be breathing life into it as though it were on life support.
The more appropriate term is accountability, holding their feet to the fire, keeping them in check, holding truth-to-power.
And listen, it only gets cancelled because it never should have happened or been said to begin with. If we've been taught anything over the past five years of "fake news", or "alternative facts", it's that those are lies. Plain and simple.
Those are lies, alternative facts and fake news because the slimy, orange fat-one (Yes, Trump, in case there was any question) didn't like what she heard.
So, Marjorie et. al., if you don't want to feel like a victim, cancelled or otherwise, think about the b.s. you are spewing because truth be told, NO ONE is forcing you to pay attention to "Q-Anon", whomever he/she is. Likewise, MTG, you don't get to say stupid things like, "I was allowed to believe _____________." (Fill in the blank with some weird conspiracy.)
You're not a victim. You're a perpetrator. Period.
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