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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

You Can Bitch & Moan All You Want, But...

... Fat Orange One, You CANNOT Simply Shut Down A Social Media Platform Just Because YOU Don’t Like Their Rules. Period. Full Stop.

We have rules, laws and regulations for a reason, the main one being safety.  If you don’t like a TV show because of the language or the violence or the depiction of certain characters, there’s a simple fix for that… change the channel or turn off your TV.

Likewise with Social Media platforms that set up and require all participants to follow.  Those are usually called something like “Rules Of The Road” (ROTR) or Terms Of Service (TOS).

So, this notion of delicate, widdle, orange toddler man-child Donnie J. Drumpf (yes, the President, sadly) just shutting down or closing them is well, patently absurd.  Not even he, the fat one, can pull off that hat trick.  He sees himself as a king, and not the drag queen she truly is.

Plus if he goes there and is successful, how does he intend to spread his hate filled Social Media messages?  Those are the two largest, most widely used platforms for any political base.  It would make the playing field more even though, for sure.

"Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives’ voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen," Trump tweeted Wednesday. He went on to accuse the tech industry of trying to interfere in the 2016 election, before repeating an unfounded claim about voter fraud stemming from mail-in ballots.

"We can't let large scale Mail-In Ballots take root in our Country," Trump tweeted. "It would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots. Whoever cheated the most would win. Likewise, Social Media. Clean up your act, NOW!!!!"

That Tweet triggered Twitter to label two of his Tweets with this label, “! Get the facts about mail-in ballots”.  It’s in blue ink and is a link to a fact-check page.  So, given that label, of course you can see why Donald didn’t like it – Twitter was fact-checking him in real time and, basically, calling him out on his lies.  Can’t have that.  It’s censorship!  
No, it’s accountability.  (Another thing Donald doesn’t like.)
These are a few more choice Tweets that followed Donnie's original whining:

This one is, well, just stupid.  This is the United States, not China and not Iran.
Antifa, I have no idea why they're not fact-checked.
And Peter, Trump NEEDS to be fact-checked and called out... you know that.
And Mr. Freedom, Peter, I'm sure China or Iran would welcome you with open arms, in case you'd prefer living there instead.
Those countries don't have Freedom of Speech.

...and just one more

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