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Saturday, May 16, 2020

New "Normal"

This is NOT the new "normal" as many in government (President, Vice President, some Senators, and some members on the House) are saying. 
NO. There is nothing normal about wearing a protective mask anywhere in the world because of a pandemic environment. 
And do NOT get "used to this", either. 

Normal, what many are suggesting, is when the ONLY masks children should be wearing are these:

And NEVER these:

NO.  Don't throw your babies onto a live grenade, and absolutely DO NOT listen to Donald Trump in regards to opening schools, especially grade schools in the fall of 2020.

Now, it the question you're asking is, "Will my child be safe in school?"  That's an easy one. Yes, schools are safe for young children.  

The better, more appropriate question is, "Will my child be in harm's way of contracting  coronavirus?"   Again, that's easy -- a resounding YES.  Think about it. 

What does it say about someone, anyone even suggesting putting 25 to 30 little kids, young children into an enclosed space, no face masks, and insisting that schools reopen?  

Seriously.  What is wrong with people who even suggest that? 

It's rhetorical, but, the short answer... there's a few screws loose upstairs.

Trump's letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about how he is "exercising my power as President to remove... Inspector General of the Department of State."  Just because he can, doesn't mean he SHOULD. (He's exercising.  Who woulda thought?)   
Oh, and one last thing.  When we have a President who doesn't fire Inspectors General just because he can, when we have a Cabinet in the Executive Branch AND Attorney General who AREN'T LOYAL to the President but rather follow the rule of law and The Constitution, and a Congress (both the House and Senate) that HOLD THE PRESIDENT ACCOUNTABLE for 100% of his/her actions, then will be be approaching normal.

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