It's official. We now have a tyrant in the White House.
Jonathan Kravis resigned his position as an assistant U.S. attorney.
Aaron Zelinsky quit the case, and his job in Washington D.C. to go back to his job as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore, MD.
Adam Jed, a former member of Robert Mueller's team, resigned.
Michael Marando, he resigned late Tuesday evening.
None of the original prosecutors in Roger Stone's criminal case signed onto the revised sentencing memo, which argued for a reduced sentence.
The Justice Department, head by Bill Barr, yes, a Trump ally, stepped in to dramatically reduce Stone's prison time, as yet another Trump ally.
Smells kinda fishy, right?
So, what does lil Donny Trump do, in a move that be believes puts him ahead of His mess?
Simple. He makes a public statement:
"I would be able to do it if I wanted. I have the absolute right to do it. I stay out of things to a degree that people wouldn't believe, but I didn't speak to them." ('Them' being Attorney General Bill Barr, or the Justice Department.)
Kind of one of those times when just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Sort of falls into that category.
The prosecutors wrote in the court papers that "Stone's actions were not a one-off mistake in judgement" and that he "decided to double- and triple-down on his criminal conduct by tampering with a witness for months in order to make sure his obstruction would be successful."

Over the weekend of February 8 & 9, 2020, Trump fired Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Semyon Vindman and his twin brother Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Vindman, as well as Diplomat Gordon Sondland from their positions. Retaliation for their testimony against him. Clearly, and obviously.
Donny seems to think and believe that Atty. Gen. Billy "Tubby" Barr is his personal attorney, rather than the attorney general for the people of the United States.
That's how things work in Trumpland/Trump World.
These types of moves by the Justice Department and well, Trump himself, are things that we all too often see in countries run by monarchs, tyrants, "Presidents for life", dictatorships... you get the idea.
And now, here we are in the United States of America, 2020.
Happy Valentine's Day, people.
------ More ------
Senator Susan Collins: (not verbatim) "I believe the President has learned his lesson and won't repeat the actions that got him impeached."From the mouths of, well, incredibly naive Republican Senators spews b.s.
As any parent knows, if you don't nip bad behavior in the bud, of course it will get repeated. And so go the actions of a delicate, fat, pompous, arrogant, narcissistic, obese toddler of a man.
Yes, of course, I'm talking about Donald Trump. For God's sake, wake up. Pay attention.
And of course all the stories about his rantings and ravings about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he deems, "bad behaviors" on the parts of others are true ones.
Just because he CAN have an opinion, doesn't mean he SHOULD have an opinion.
Here's a thought, and I'm just thinking out-loud and off-the-cuff now, but, just what if, what if he were to stay seated IN that leather chair AT that amazing resolute desk IN the Oval Office and actually DO SOME WORK? A little light reading of an intelligence report?
No, we can't have that and besides, he can't sit still long enough to not speak and actually think about his job? Not possible. And actually learn something at the same time? Oh, dear Lord, no!
And, yes, of course he's illiterate. Ever actually listen to his word salad garbled pablum?
He's, well, incoherent.
----------Fine Print-------
Please, PLEASE wake up, pay attention, and think long and hard about your voting rights in November 2020, because the sad truth is that those rights for many right here in the U.S. already DO NOT exist due to gerrymandering (look it up), exclusion and removal from voting rolls, poll closures, last minute rule changes and so on, making even getting to the polls for many simply impossible.
And that doesn't even address the on-going Russian interference that Robert Mueller DID point out in his testimony to Congress, fake Facebook ads (promoted by its boy-king Zuckerberg/Zucker-bot), and online Russian and other bots.
It's your CHOICE to vote or not, but remember as well, it's also your RIGHT, and this guy, Donald John Trump senior and his cronies, WILL DO ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to make sure those rights disappear or become null and void.
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