Why Is It Taking Republicans So Long
To Figure Out Who Donald Trump REALLY Is?
To Figure Out Who Donald Trump REALLY Is?
It amazes me how easy it is for Republicans/Right Wingers/Conservatives/some
Evangelicals to look the other way, turn the other cheek, simply walk away and
even try to defend Donald
Simply astonishing!
Have they just forgotten all of his lies, backroom deals,
and shady behaviors over the past 4 decades?
Have they been asleep at the wheel?
Unconscious? Or just flat-out stupid?
Granted, no, not ALL of Trump’s past behaviors have been
illegal, but most have been highly questionable. (“I never
settle a lawsuit.” – Yeah, he does.
More and more of them, Republicans, are either
a) leaving
the Republican party,
b) leaving politics altogether,
c) leaving Washington
d) switching parties to become Democrats (Yay for that!), or
e) speaking
out against him… finally.
And this wasn’t an overnight Exodus either.
It was a very
slow moving train, sort of like an old, ancient white Bronco caravan fleeing
town via the L.A. freeway.
But again, why now?
Yes, rhetorical
questions obviously, but maybe something to examine in more depth?
It just really looks like Republicans haven’t been paying
attention to their God, er, um, Trump.
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