Lowering The Bar/Standards For The President Of The United States
*Note: Robert Mueller
could NOT indict Trump because the
Department of Justice guidelines/rules/regulations preclude indictment of a
“sitting President”, meaning that while he is IN office, Trump can’t face any
criminal charges, only political ones, such as an Impeachment Inquiry. He may have wanted to indict, but, he simply wasn't allowed to go there. Many/Most Republicans seem to forget this
extremely vital point.
*Another point to
ponder: Why do these Republicans,
specifically, feel the need to “protect the President (Donald Trump)”, rather
than uphold their oath of office? He
doesn’t need protection, per se; he has the Secret Service for that. He needs oversight from Congress, not
protection. Checks and Balances, you’ve heard that term.
Republicans in the House
and Senate have forsaken their oaths of office and Trump played them like a
bass fiddle. Got ‘em hook, line and
History will not be on
their side, those Republicans, when it is written years from now. It will compare and contrast them to previous
seat-holders who chose country over party.
Some, the more desperate ones, have taken to lashing out at Democrats
across the aisle, even resorting to one of Trump’s signature moves,
name-calling. It’s pretty shameful.
Three co-equal
branches of government: Judicial
(SCOTUS), Legislative (House & Senate) and Executive (President and his/her
The important part – Co-equal. All on the same plane.
As the Impeachment
Inquiry begins in November 2019, the Republicans have decided among themselves
that want/need to distract from the proceedings because they’ve run out of
steam feebly attempting to defend the indefensible from Trump. “Look over here”, “It’s boring”, “What about
_____?”, and so on. If the Republicans in the House and Senate from January 20,
2017 until now, mid-November 2019, had provided and insisted upon oversight of
the Executive Branch, we would not be enduring an Impeachment Inquiry… but,
they were so thrilled to get this guy, Donald J. Trump, Sr. into office, they
almost wet themselves.
Donald J. Trump officially Impeached by the House, December 18, 2019
The military aid
issued to the Ukraine, about $400 million (in U.S. taxpayer dollars) had already been approved by Congress,
so this notion that Trump or any
President could withhold that aid for any reason, is preposterous, ridiculous,
and again, shows someone (at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, IN the Oval Office)
still doesn’t get, He/Trump doesn’t have absolute power over the U.S.
Government. He can’t simply keep that money or withhold it for any reason(s).
The Republicans have
lowered their standards so low that
they see the Impeachment hearings as an entire waste of everyone’s time.
They don’t care what Trump and his
cronies/buddies/surrogates say or do, as long as Donald J. Trump remains in
office and in power. It’s odd, strange
and very weird that more Republicans/Conservatives in The House and Senate
don’t speak out against Trump, not on Twitter or otherwise online, but in front
of television camera publicly. Again,
makes you wonder.
By late November 2019, it
is painfully obvious that the Republicans know
their arguments in regards to “protecting” Trump and that he "did nothing wrong since the Ukraine got their aid" are dissolving faster than an
ice cube on a hot stove, leaving them soaking in a swamp of their own
Boo hoo, right?
Ah, but wait, dear reader... there's more! More you say?!?
These are the goose-stepping, brown-nosing Republicans who refuse to give up Trump (not a complete listing):
Jim Jordan – kind of a whiny
bitch, who insists on disruption. Definitely a Republican Snowflake.
Lindsey Graham
Mike Pence
Mick Mulvaney
Mike Pompeo
William “Chunky” Barr
Brett “Keep-It-In-Your-Pants/Party Boy” Kavanaugh
Mitch McConnell
Paul Ryan
Ron Johnson
John Kennedy
Chris Stewart
Jared Kushner - nepotism
Ivanka Trump - nepotism
Donald Trump, Jr. - nepotism
Eric Trump - nepotism
Matt Gaetz
Steve Scalise
Mark Meadows
Bradley Byrne
Rob Portman
Mac Thornberry
Stephen Miller – Good ole, goose-steppin’ KKK, white supremacist
Kellyanne Conway – aging, acidic Barbie
Roy Moore – Rootin’ Tootin’ Yosemite Sam Moore
Ted Cruz – Lizard boy
Cindy Hyde-Smith – “You invite me to a hangin’, I’d be in the front
John Ratcliffe
Rudy Guiliani – Former NYC Mayor, current flunky/whipping boy for
Trump. Love those horse-mouth dentures, Rudy!
Devin Nunes – Trump’s “waterboy” – Why
does Devin care so much about
“protecting” Trump? What’s in it for
Devin personally over his country? Gotta
Elise Stefanik – kind of whiny
like Rep. Jordan. Harvard grad w/degree in Government. It seems
as though, during the Impeachment hearings, she would deliberately,
consistently, interrupt the Committee Chair (Rep. Schiff) with points that she already knew were out of order,
based on the rules she was citing. Sort
of like she had the need to be recognized just to get her point(s) on the
official hearings’ record, valid or not.
Mike Turner – On State Of The
Union (CNN - Nov. 17, 2019), refused
to answer questions directly related to Amb. Yovanovitch’s testimony and
Trump’s Tweet regarding witness intimidation. Refused, flat-out. Seems cowardly to me. But why would he do that? Kind of a Republican Snowflake.
Chris Stewart
John Thune
Shelley Moore Capito
Roy Blunt
John Barrasso
Sarah Huckabee Sanders – former White House Press Secretary
Stephanie Grisham – current White House Press Secretary
Mike Conaway
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says, "Republicans are in denial about the facts. The sad tragedy of all of this is the behavior of the President and the defense of that behavior by the Republicans."
From CNN.com |