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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

End Of The Rainbow

When we think of a rainbow, we tend to think of a pot of gold at one end of it… and, just maybe a leprechaun carefully guarding it!

In another sense, the rainbow can be thought of as a journey, or a path along which we travel daily in our lives.  It may be a favorite destination such as a coffee shop, a little boutique, a neighborhood park, or even a special person in your life.

Milestones is our lives can be considered pots of gold such as our first tentative steps, our first words, learning to tie our shoes, using the potty, Kindergarten graduation, High School graduation, college graduation, and so on.  Once we achieve them, and after we’ve sufficiently celebrated our pot of gold, we sit quietly, deep in thought, and put pen to paper to write down our next goal.

Depending on your perception, the rainbow’s end might be something as simple as meeting up with an old friend with whom you share a history.  Having a cup of coffee and a snack, going for a walk, or just sitting and reminiscing about “the good old days.

For me, it’s spending time with someone special: A neighbor, a close friend, a therapist or counselor; those quiet moments with deep feelings are the ones I cherish most these days.  New memories upon which I can build new experiences, new sights, new sounds, a feast for the senses.

As Dorothy sings, If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow,

                                    Why, oh why, can’t I?”

You can.   

Get out there and find your rainbow’s end.

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