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Sunday, March 2, 2025

How NOT to behave like an adult "politician" in The Oval Office

 So. Oval Office. Trump. Hillbilly Jay Dee, and the new leader of the Free World, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


Screaming, berating, ranting, raving.  AND complaining about his attire. Wow.

This was what the scene looked like from inside the room:

Why?  Simple. Trump wants to help his daddy, Vlad, rebuild the Russian Empire:  U.S.S.R. You may have heard about it a few generations ago. Ukraine was part of that "empire". 

The countries that were part of the Soviet Union included: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia (as the largest republic), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. And THAT is what Vlad Puffin wants to rebuild.  ONE. COUNTRY. AT. A. TIME. Bottom bitch boy, Donnie T. is all to happy to aid in those efforts.

 As of March 2025, these are the locations in Ukraine that Russia currently occupies:

Crimea and parts of Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Luhansk, Mykolayiv, and Zaporizhzhya Oblasts. The amount of Ukrainian territory Russia occupied shifted during the year.

And after President Zelenskyy was booted out of The White House, this was his response on Twitter/X:

And these were the responses back to President Zelenskyy:

Seems like it's past time for someone to have his poopy diapers changed?  Melanoma, maybe?

Friday, February 28, 2025

Impeached, Removing Judges Because Your "Agenda & Policies" Aren't Legal?

Lonnie Skum stepped in it. Again. Shocking, right?

No, not in the least.  

This was posted recently on Twitter:


Um, first, Lonnie, it's NOT the "rule of the people".  The correct verbiage is, "the rule of law."  Maybe you missed that Civic's lesson in school.


Maybe if you return to your homeland, South Africa, they can teach you something about that.  

Oh, and before you leave, or get deported, talk to your co-President, Donnie about impeachment and rule of law.  He has firsthand knowledge of both of those topics!

Maybe Lonnie, Lon-E, should be paying more attention to his disastrous exploding cars and "cybertrucks" ?   Probably.

UPDATE: March 7, 2025:

This from a Tesla dealership in France

And this from a group of Tesla Charging Stations in Boston, MA

Watch your local and national news for more of these Tesla-related stories.  

Might be past time for Lonnie Skum (E-lon Musk) to go back to his sorta "real" job.




Have a nice day.  Elsewhere.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Cabernet Meating 2025!

In response to a reporter's question regarding more mass firings via Lonnie Skum's email (E-lon Musk), this is what her masturbate squawked out:

These people are living in a bubble. And if they get fired, that's okay. America has gotten bloated, fat and disgusting," says the bloated, fat, orange disgusting blob from her throne.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Well, they stepped in it. Again.

Agencies and Departments Shut Down By 

Trump & Musk For Investigating Musk:

These are just the tip-of-the-iceberg in regards to the various agencies and departments these two ass-klowns have shuttered because, you know, they don’t want anyone poking their noses into THEIR businesses.

I’m still curious about, I only hire the smartest people.”

When?  And under what circumstances?




Friday, February 21, 2025


Ending pennies, “Gulf of America Day”, and Bringing Back Plastic Straws.

SO MUCH ACCOMPLISHED in just 3 long, exhausting weeks!

Oh, and Tesla and Star Link CEO, Lonnie Skum, ‘scuse me, Elon Musk, South African White man, weaseled and sleazed his way into the Oval Office at The White House, holding court while fat, orange dotard Donald Jessica Trump sat behind the resolute desk looking incredibly bored and Lonnie muttered on.


This current poll, according to Reuters, shows Trump's approval/disapproval ratings at their lowest point in over 70 years and continuing to tank. Wow!

 And then there's this, from the Official White House Twitter/X account:

He/They posted that in response to ending, finishing, or whatever, New York City's "Congestion Parking" thing, because again, you know, King!  BIGLY!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Social Skills of Teens and 20-somethings

They have no social skills. Period.  Why? Simple when the first started going to school or started going away to daycare, Mommy and Daddy were feeling separation anxiety.

It’s a very real thing, but the problem is that little Johnny and Janie were feeling the same thing and at some point they started feeding off of each other.

Then when they finally got into school, as young as 3rd grade, Mommy and/or Daddy insisted that Johnny or Janie (or both) had phones so that any time they felt afraid, or nervous or ANY other slightly uncomfortable feeling, the kid could pick up his phone and call Mommy or Daddy.  Perfectly normal behavior, right ? 

NO. NOT IN THE LEAST. Let me explain. The child is supposed to be focused and present, (not just physically) but mentally present in class. If he’s dealing with Mommy, the teacher cannot help him/her. So, yes, that’s a problem.

The other thing about phones, it allows kids/teens/adults to disconnect with other people and just, well, not have to deal with them. Hmm.  Let’s let that simmer for a few minutes.

So, if Mommy or Daddy allows their little prince, or princess, to NEVER have to talk to another person, what will the outcome be?  Hmm.

A touch of sarcasm in there, but no, not really. That’s reality we’re in now where young people, frightened, scared and confused, don’t know how to deal with other people, mostly other adults of ANY age.  Are those feelings valid? No.  Not when the other person simply wants to ask simple questions like directions, time of day, basic stuff.

Finger pointing ==>> Mommy and Daddy allowing that behavior by giving the kid a phone, with NO restrictions and NEVER monitoring what they’re doing.

So, basically, YES, very socially awkward, low functioning adults.  Sometimes of course you can call your parent(s) and ask for advice, but other times, MOST OF THE TIME you DO need to deal with things on your own, by yourself, because you’re an adult.

The decision making gets easier, but you have to take that first step and TRY.


Oh, and while we’re at it, when someone takes the time to say, “Thank you,” the correct and appropriate response, and there is ONLY one correct and appropriate response, you say in return, “You’re welcome,”  NOT “No problem.”  (I know, I know… that’s not gonna happen.)